English version
Introductory information
This website serves for the presentation, data collection, and ongoing presentation of outcomes of three consequent research projects to which we jointly refer as “Čeští krajané” (“Czech diaspora”). All projects focus on contemporary Czech international migration and are being implemented by an interdisciplinary team of scholars.
The project “New approaches to the coordination of expatriate issues” (2020-2022) seeks to answer the following questions: Who are the Czechs living abroad? What ties to Czechia do they have? What support do they need from the Czech state? In what ways can they be an asset for Czechia?
The project “Czech diaspora – Multidimensional relations and conditionality of Czechia and host countries” (2022-2024) explores the relations between the concepts of diaspora and transnationalism. It aims to identify the key factors explaining the feelings and attitudes of (Czech) migrants towards their country of origin.
The latest project “Research on the reverse contributions of the Czech diaspora to their country of origin and Czech society” (2023-2024) builds on the previous two by focusing mainly on the reverse links of Czech expatriates to Czechia.
Besides scientific publications, the research outcomes from all three projects will include recommendations for diaspora policymaking.
Like most of this site, the survey is in Czech as the projects primarily target the diaspora members who communicate in Czech; this group is assumed to be more likely to return or maintain active ties with Czechia compared to others.