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About the projects
The project “New approaches to the coordination of expatriate issues” (2020-2022) was financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR). It was an applied research project which aimed to answer policy relevant questions, but it was also open to exploring new directions that emerged along the way. The project was based on a mixed method approach, including a questionnaire survey targeted at a large sample of respondents, as well as in-depth interviewing and focus group discussions with selected individuals and representatives of diaspora and state organisations. The project outcomes included a workshop for relevant stakeholders, research reports and scientific publications, recommendations for diaspora policymaking, a map of the worldwide distribution of the Czech diaspora and a (voluntary) database of diaspora contacts to be used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The project “Czech diaspora – Multidimensional relations and conditionality of Czechia and host countries” (2022-2024) is financed by The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). It is a combined basic and applied research project, because on the one hand it examines theoretical concepts, while on the other it seeks to formulate policy recommendations. The project is based on a mixed method approach, combining the analysis of existing literature and secondary data with the collection and analysis of original quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (interview) data. The project outcomes will include a series of scientific publications and policy recommendations.
The project “Research on the reverse contributions of the Czech diaspora to their country of origin and Czech society” (2023-2024) builds on the previous two by focusing mainly on the reverse links of Czech expatriates to Czechia. It will result in 4 research reports: 1) analysis of material and non-material benefits (remittances) flowing from the Czech diaspora back to their homeland; 2) proposals and recommendations for conceptual materials on diaspora policy; 3) analysis of the impact of Czech schools abroad on strengthening pro-repatriation trends among children and families in the diaspora; and 4) case studies. (The outcomes of the research will be published in December 2024).