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Publikace ke stažení

Brouček, S. a kol. (2017). Migrace z České republiky po roce 1989 v základních tematických okruzích. Praha: Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

Drbohlav, D., Pavelková, L. (2018): Intra-European Movement of Czechs with Special Regard to Austria and Care Givers (The “MICO” Type – Between MIgration and COmmuting). In: Between Mobility and Migration, The Multi-Level Governance of Intra-European Movement, Scholten, P., van Ostaijen, M. (eds) s. 205-226. Cham: Springer Open Access, IMISCOE Research Series.

Janská, E., Janurová, K. (2020). Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Czech Citizens Abroad. In Lafleur, J. M. and Vintila, C. D. (eds.): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond: Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies (Volume 2). Cham: Springer Open Access, IMISCOE Research Series, s. 123-141.

Janurová, K. (2018). The unbearable lightness of moving: Czech Migrants making a home (or not) in the UK. Sociologický časopis/ Czech Sociological Review, 54(3), 315-342.

Lafleur, Jean-Michel a Vintila, Daniela (eds) (2020): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 1): Comparing Access to Welfare Entitlements. Cham: Springer Open Access, IMISCOE Research Series.

Lafleur, Jean-Michel a Vintila, Daniela (eds) (2020): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 2): Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies. Cham: Springer Open Access, IMISCOE Research Series.

Lafleur, Jean-Michel a Vintila, Daniela (eds) (2020): Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 3): A Focus on Non-EU Sending States. Cham: Springer Open Access, IMISCOE Research Series.

Peychlová, K. (2012). The role of materiality in transnational family relationships of Czech migrants in Sweden. [Nepublikovaná diplomová práce]. Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society, Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö.

Uherek, Z., Beranská, V. 2015. Pavlivka Iodine Spring Water: Transnational Entrepreneurship in Post-Transition Contexts. Rethinking ethnography in Central Europe. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 – (Cervinkova, H.; Buchowski, M.; Uherek, Z.), s. 75-88.

Beranská, V. 2013. Národopisná revue. Roč. 23, č. 4 (2013), s. 264-271.

Beranská, V.; Uherek, Z. 2016. Obranné strategie obyvatelstva českého a ukrajinského původu na Ukrajině vyvolané následky černobylské nukleární havárie.

Beranská, V.; Uherek, Z. 2016. The Defensive Strategies of Czech and Ukrainian Residents in the Ukraine against the Effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident. Český lid, Etnologický časopis. Roč. 103, č. 1 (2016), s. 85-101.